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English Spoken

Islamic alta vista is best at english language training.

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About Us

IAVS is a wonderful place for students from diverse backgrounds to educationally grow, get involved into healthy activities, and have a meaningful high school experience. We strive to create such an achieve his/her individual success. The biggest challenge faced in this globalized world is to acquire latest knowledge and abilities to cope up with ever changing scenario of infinite skills and distinguished competencies. The international curriculum does not mean alienation from own traditions and culture but communication and culture versatility, comfortable working, communication and collaboration with people all over the world. The heart of education is after all the education of heart. We want our children to develop invaluable skills and become resilient and confident individuals who are able to deal with uncertainties or challenges that may confront them in the future. IAVS endeavors to provide holistic and quality education by infusing every student with the zeal to be passionate about learning as well as co-curricular activities. IAVS is situated i9n Satellite Town Block A, Sargodha. a posh area in the center of the city. It has campuses which are separately allocated for boys and girls.  


  • Students being habitually unpunctual, untidy and continuously giving poor performance will be expelled

  • Students guilty of the following offences are liable to be expelled from the school; Cheating, lying, stealing and immoral conduct

  • Attend the school regularly, no leave of absence will be granted to them without a written application

  • Students must speak English in the school campus

  • Come with necessary books, exercise copies etc, home work must be done daily

  • Attend the school punctually, regularly and dress up neatly

  • The decision taken by the principal in all disciplinary cases is final and cannot be challenged



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News And Events


  • NEWS

    09 Mar 2022

    We believe, “To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream; not only plan but also believe."
    Every year IAV hosted the High Achievers Ceremony to applaud and honour the hard work of students as well as their teachers.  The event is attended enthusiastically by students and parents. High achievers of school and board position holders are awarded shields and certificates.

  • NEWS

    14 Aug 2021

    Patriotism cant be created, but we instill the feelings of pride and honour . We had an array of events showcasing the kids love for their nation!
    Celebrating the spirit of  Independence Day  with our bright stars who hold the future of our country is one of our traditions.

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